Saturday, 15 June 2013

An Inconvenient Truth

The documentary titled “An Inconvenient truth” starring Al Gore, former Vice president of the US, sheds light on the topic of climate change. This documentary’s focus is to educate the public and re-energize the environmental movement around the world. This documentary was so successful that it is the 9th highest grossing documentary in US history.  The reason behind the title is that important topics like these are typically hidden from the public’s eyes through politics. Lots of evidence is provided further explaining the changes of earth and possible disasters that we foresee.

The reason behind climate change on earth is because of all the greenhouse emissions produced; the greenhouse gas which has the main focus is Carbon Dioxide(CO2). Many people, especially politicians who are scientifically illiterate may argue that climate change is not occurring but there is a lot of evidence supporting climate change occurring. Today, CO2 levels in our atmosphere are higher than it’s ever been observed on earth. CO2, a greenhouse gas, helps warm up the earth by preventing radiation from reflecting back into space off the earth’s surface, it helps keep the radiation in our atmosphere. Lots of the ice and glaciers in the world are melting and lakes are shrinking and drying up. Pictures of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Africa are shown comparing what used to be the mountain and what it is today, lots of the ice has disappeared. Also, sea levels are exponentially increasing, over the last 40 years 1.5 million square kilometers of ice have melted. Lastly, a key piece of evidence is that the 10 hottest years on record have occurred within the more recent years, and as of the year the documentary was released it was 10 of the last 14 years.

The amount of problems are numerous and extremely serious as some the problems can cause destruction of the earth. Ocean temperatures which are rapidly increasing with all the melting ice is the cause behind hurricanes and tornadoes, the reason so many destructive natural disasters are occurring in the more recent years is because of the ocean’s warming. Temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit are becoming the normal for many locations, for example in India 122 degrees Fahrenheit was reached the year before the documentary was released. Many species are also at high risk as they are losing their habitat, where once averaged 40 degrees Fahrenheit, now averages much less causing animals to go extinct.

Politicians and people in power often try to put climate change out of our view because they believe correcting this will ruin the economy, what they don’t realize is that by not correcting climate change, there may not be a world for them to have an economy. George Bush, former president of the US denied to follow the Kyoto protocol of 1997 which stated that countries which signed it such as the US would lower their greenhouse gas emissions. However, Bush’s logic was that the economy would suffer, these people are our leaders and they need to become literate of the topic of climate change.
Blue represents temperature, red represents CO2 concentration
           An Inconvenient Truth really allowed me to understand how vital climate change is, it can possibly destroy all life on earth. As more CO2 and other greenhouse gases are produced, the earth will further continue to warm up. The point emphasized by scientists, Al Gore and myself is that we need to do something now, we have to limit our greenhouse gas emissions as scientists predict our current rapid development of earth will give us only 5 years to do something or else the changes will be irreversible. Currently, there are about 400 ppm of CO2 on earth, the point of no return is 450 ppm which is what we have to prevent ourselves from reaching  This documentary was really an eye opener for many around the world and it is informative to the point that it is being made part of school curriculums internationally.            

An Inconvenient Truth (documentary)
An Inconvenient Truth: A Review and Synopsis
World headed for irreversible climate change in five years, IEA warns

Saturday, 8 June 2013


           Regeneration of humans is the act of reforming a body part to its natural appearance after damage. For example if a leg is amputated, then regeneration of the leg would mean that leg would regrow and appear the same way as it was before getting damaged. Regeneration of humans only exists to a limited extent, the most severe damage a human can regenerate is the front of a fingertip being regrown. Humans currently have no way of regenerating bone or nerve tissue. 

            Many people around the world are missing certain limbs with over a million people in the US alone missing a limb. Also, a good portion of these people are war veterans who risk their lives for their country, each year roughly 120 American soldiers lose a limb and these veterans along with the general limbless population usually choose to have a prosthetic limb which may give them some attributes of a real limb but not nearly all as the sense of feel is very weak in prosthetics and the thought of knowing you don’t have a real  limb can be frustrating and challenging. Regeneration would allow these people to live their lives as they did before getting injured, although initially the regeneration process of a leg or arm would take at least 20 years to complete on a human, it would be a lot faster for future generations.

            Salamanders and the axolotl are amongst the organisms which can regenerate limbs. The axolotl is a very unique animal in that it can have its spinal cord crushed or a segment removed and it would still recover. When examining DNA of creatures such as these, it answers how they have properties such as regeneration as their DNA is about 10 times as complicated as that of a human's. 

            The actual process of regeneration of human limbs is far to come, most likely not within the next 30 years. However, there are ways that have been researched on how to make this phenomenon possible. The primary step in each case involves extracting a certain cell or gene and the primary long-term goals are to be able to add the cell or gene to a wound site which would allow regenerative properties for the human. Macrophages are one of the cells that are currently being researched for use in human regeneration. They are a type of repairing cell which devours dead cells and triggers immune cells to respond to pathogens such as bacteria and virus carrying cells. When macrophages were removed from salamanders at Monash University in Australia where it is currently being studied, the salamanders no longer hand regenerative properties. When a salamander loses a limb, nerve signals are sent causing growth to start again under the stump. Another gene that may be the answer to human regeneration is gene p21, which when removed from MRL mice in an American lab allowed them to regenerate, holes in the mice had been repaired along with hair follicles and cartilage. This has been the only mammal so far in which scientists have been able to give amphibian-like regenerative properties to. However, the removal of gene p21 can easily lead to uncontrollable cell division also known as cancer.

                In my opinion scientists are a far way from discovering regeneration of human limbs, however, I believe that they should continue to work with their current cells and genes that they believe might be the answer but also continue to examine DNA of regenerative creatures in order to find any other cells or genes which may actually be the answer to regeneration of humans. Initially, I believe scientists should focus on the short-term goal of scarless healing because that is regeneration in a lower form, I believe if they research and progress in small steps they will be able to regenerate human limbs eventually. This would help millions of people around the world, the ability to have a fully functioning limb is something that almost everyone would be able to have.     

Scientists identify cell that could hold the secret to limb regeneration
The role of p21 in regulating mammalian regeneration
How can salamanders regrow body parts?
How much DNA?
Pig’s Extracellular Matrix